memorie house



my museum universe ten thousand times unfolds

{ a personal archive }




Cascada Gozalandia—San Sebastián, Puerto Rico—Polaroid 600


January 2025


"NUESTRA BODA"—Handmade mundillo lace handkerchief—Moca, Puerto Rico

January 2025

In his text "Myths to Live By," Joseph Campbell compares the home to a marsupial pouch—a second womb of sorts where human young are nourished and protected until they become self-sufficient (quite unlike most other mammals, who are born "complete" and who achieve independence in a matter of days/weeks rather than years/decades).

Cold, wet hours invoke a sense of vulnerability regardless of life stage, I think. It feels apt, then, to spend them curled up in the hidden organs of one's own realm—warm, held, evolving!


November 2024

For the first time in a while, I saw a wild rabbit on my walk home. I knew that I was about to because of the way something in the air always shifts in the moments before. And they seem to appear to me in periods of stuckness of some kind, in times when I'm looking for guidance.

Being the way that I am, then, I call it a sign. While I recognize this as an interpretive liberty I take in order to help me better navigate the present (as is the role of any narrative), this creature that has revealed itself next to me and whose presence I can prophesy these days feels undeniably pertinent—a divine intervention, surely.

I follow the rabbit into the depths of the thing!


October 2024


Lizard skin from the lace and textile museum and a gifted pouch of gold, frankincense, and myrrh—Berkeley, CA

Rest easy, special friend and most deeply mesmerizing being. Some relics from the day Fable and I first met.


August 2024

luggage claim tag

Luggage claim tag—Hotel Grand Stark—Portland, OR


August 2024

Tell it to the bees.

My father keeps honeybees and I sit with them whenever I return home. To "tell it to the bees" is an ancient tradition where the hives are told of new loves, losses, departures, returns, and other important happenings in a keeper's household.

I whisper to them about ripe desire, suffering with heart, and the relief of epiphany. The world blooms, and there is nectar.


August 2024



July 2024


Evanston, IL


July 2024

prayer cards

From my collection of vintage prayer cards


July 2024


Key card sleeve—Chicago Athletic Association—Chicago, IL

#ephemera #sw

July 2024


New Buffalo, MI

June 2024


Travel notes from a client

#ephemera #sw

May 2024


The Siren—Detroit, MI

#photography #self

May 2024

luggage claim tag

Bartender napkin notes—Candy Bar—Detroit, MI


March 2024


Key card sleeve—The Siren—Detroit, MI

#ephemera #sw

May 2024


Drawing from a client

#letters #sw

May 2024


Harbor Grand—New Buffalo, MI

Eternally pierced with devotion, inspired by deepest desire, ruled by innermost passions—

Our dear Bataille speaks of the "violence of rapture before the beloved" and what else is there really, but the humble surrender to that which is great and dynamic and beautiful?

I always feel this most presently on my birth day, which is each year a reminder to renew a deep courtship with wonder, to be ceaseless in curiosity, to be brave, to cling to something real and pure, to open the heart and breathe through it.

#journal #photography #self

May 2024


Birthday card from a client

#letters #sw

May 2024

Spring in Chicago is so delicious and charged with lush beginnings. My whole world is new and full of bluebells and silver maples and wild rabbits and spring ephemerals, all fairytale-like. Life right now mostly involves many beautiful strangers and anything worthwhile starts out that way, as a seed or a spark.

But moving eastward is very strange. The ecology is completely different and I feel vaguely out of sorts in a primal way. The air feels foreign. Spring doesn't quite feel like spring because it lacks the flora and fauna of my landscape. There are no quail or California poppies or wildflowers of the great west where I would normally turn to them for comfort and friendship.

I returned home for a brief visit last week and was met with kaleidoscopic waves of nostalgia with each bar of golden afternoon light, in the breath of sea mist in a yellow field, on the caress of the wind at sunset.

The petrichor of home has a singular resinous musk that is sunk deep into our ways of knowing—I do not take lightly what it means to be able to take peaceful refuge in the lands where I was born.

Blessed Beltane, and may the flames of resistance in all realms continue to swell.


May 2024


Amtrak—somewhere in the Great Plains

Things are happening hard and fast and I do my best to revel in the throes of it all. Not as a stratagem, but with a sincerity born out of surrender.

Because I'm prone to the most excessive dreaming, I imagine things. Sometimes I can't tell what is a premonition and what is just an urge or a grand romanticism—though they've always felt one and the same to me.

Welcoming yet another brand new lifetime this week, born of a whim and a question and a great lust of spirit. Again and again! Always!


March 2024

luggage claim tag

Luggage claim tag—Amtrak's Empire Builder from Portland, OR to Chicago, IL


March 2024


Vintage ephemera found inside my parlor organ


March 2024


Note from a client

#letters #sw

February 2024


San Francisco, CA—35mm

Saying farewell for now to SF in just a month or so.

Already feeling so much grief and love and gratitude for this little space that has felt like my first true home. These walls that know my most solemn secrets and the floorboards that have held me and moaned alongside my own sorrows and pleasures. The glory of the sea and the sky and the orange glow in the parlor just before the most sublime sunsets I've ever seen. The very best shadows. The wise oak trees that raised me in childhood. The corners where I sit on the floor and weep and know that if nothing else, the bones of the place will have my back. Fortress, fairy castle, finest refuge.

The great maelstrom of going and going back! Treasuring every small moment here these next weeks, however strange and restless.

#home #journal

December 2023


San Francisco, CA—35mm


December 2023


Jenner, CA

August 2023


Key card sleeve—Hotel Clermont—Atlanta, GA

#ephemera #sw

August 2023


Los Angeles, CA


July 2023


Matchbook—The Rumpus Room—San Francisco, CA

#ephemera #sw

June 2023


Taos, NM

February 2023


Ocean Beach—San Francisco, CA—by M on 35mm

February 2023

fern canyon

Fern Canyon—Humboldt County, CA


December 2022


Letter excerpt


October 2022


Receipt—San Francisco, CA


August 2022


Portland, OR—35mm


July 2022




May 2022


Death Valley, CA—35mm

#photography #sw

January 2022


Death Valley, CA

#photography #sw

January 2022


New York City, NY


December 2021


Chicago, IL—35mm


November 2021


Evermore Guesthouse—Portland, OR—Polaroid 600


September 2021


Evermore Guesthouse—Portland, OR—35mm


September 2021


Evermore Guesthouse—Portland, OR—Polaroid 600


September 2021


Evermore Guesthouse—Portland, OR—35mm


September 2021


Petite Auberge—San Francisco, CA


August 2021


Half Moon Bay, CA—35mm

Rilke calls the divine "the great homesickness we could never shake off" and that's forever the sea and California to me.

#journal #photography

July 2021


Half Moon Bay, CA—35mm


July 2021


Mill Rose Inn—Half Moon Bay, CA—Polaroid 600


July 2021


Whore's Picnic


June 2021


Portland, OR—35mm

#self #sw

December 2020


Portland, OR—35mm

#self #sw

December 2020




October 2020



#self #sw

September 2020



#misc works #photography

May 2019



#misc works

May 2019




May 2019

basin pond

Basin Pond, ME—35mm


June 2013


Social media has always existed for me as an archive of musings and moments, their colors and textures, and the rich tapestry of feeling that I am best attuned to when I'm collecting and arranging and spanning the truth of different narratives. I do my best to accept that I don't need to understand everything, in a general sense—a hard lesson for someone who loves the beauty of wise words. But I've always respected the mystery of ambiguity in the right context, and I delight in a storyscape that holds things close and requires reciprocity—doubly luminous and enigmatic like all the best things are.

As the internet shifts and changes in ways that are often unsettling, I've been curious about the idea of using simple HTML websites as a kind of independent alternative/supplement to social media and have been fiddling around with a sort of personal archive with these things in mind.

I've coded this blog from scratch and it's independently hosted online. I'm sharing the beginnings of the project here in the spirit of exploration and out of belief in the potential spaces like this to encourage creativity and imagination and play in the way we connect and share our stories with each other.

What if there were historic landmarks made of code and sacred monuments in the aether?



{ in progress }

ceilings / ephemera / found / herbarium / home / journal / letters / misc works / photography / self / sounds / sw / videography